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Gabby's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair-black and white / Mixed  : :  Female  : :  Adult

My Rescue
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About Gabby

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Current Age: 20 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
FELV/FIV negative, shots, spayed. Adoption fee.

This pretty little lady was eithr recently dumped or fairly recently lost since she was found in good condition and was already spayed. Gabby requires close watching as she is very curious and likes to check out her surroundings. Gabby can be quite determined!

Gabby is EXTREMELY friendly, and gets along well with other cats! She has NO health problems, and is NOT at all shy with people or other cats. Gabby will come right up to you, and will purr VERY nicely when petted! She does like to be cuddled in your lap periodically when she feels she needs to be reassured.

She would probably do well with children. Gabby doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, and simply ignores her more irate roommates if they don'’t seem to “appreciate” her.

Gabby does like to be snuggled and enjoys being loved and petted. She’'s very playful, and needs someone who can play with her. Every one thinks that Gabby is quite striking, and would make a wonderful, playful companion.

Gabby lives in the Crofton/Gambrills area and her foster Mom (Corinne) can be reached at (410) 721-9369.

More about Gabby

Good with Kids